
Sjoerd Louwaars in conversation with John Goddard

National Civic Impact Accelerator (NCIA) Season 1 Episode 16

In the last of our special series of conversations between Prof John Goddard OBE and leading voices in the HE sector:

John talks to Sjoerd Louwaars, founder of Onbound, to get an international perspective on the civic university movement, including:

- How the UK can learn from Europe and vice versa.
- Universities as 'mulitiversities'
- Approaching institutional transformation as an urban area development
- Perspectives on leadership development in Higher Education from France
- Territorial development building bridges around missions in Spain
- Students as key players in the civic engagement agenda in The Netherlands
- The value of intermediate organisations for interdisciplinary education and research
 - and more!

Introduction by NCIA's John Fell.
The Leiden-Delft-Erasmus alliance
The Una Europa European Alliance 

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